FFD - Fresh Fruit Digital
FFD stands for Fresh Fruit Digital
Here you will find, what does FFD stand for in Marketing under Business category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Fresh Fruit Digital? Fresh Fruit Digital can be abbreviated as FFD What does FFD stand for? FFD stands for Fresh Fruit Digital. What does Fresh Fruit Digital mean?The Marketing company falls under marketing and advertising category and is located in Eindhoven, Noord-Brabant.
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Alternative definitions of FFD
- Free from disability
- Fairfield Communities, Inc.
- Fighting Force Diablo
- Financing for Development
- flame failure device
- Fairford airport
- Fund of the Four Directions
- functional flow diagram
View 62 other definitions of FFD on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
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- FHF Fisher House Foundation
- FGL Fullers Group Ltd
- FGG Forest Garden Group
- FEI Federal Executive Institute
- FAS The Fund for American Studies
- FFF Feature Films for Families
- FHP Flagship Healthcare Properties
- FIMC Fairway Independent Mortgage of the Carolinas
- FC The Flesh Company
- FIMRC Foundation for International Medical Relief of Children
- FHG Fashion House Group
- FXGS Fuji Xerox Global Services
- FGHK Fairmont Grand Hotel Kyiv
- FUC First Uranium Corporation
- FECC First Electric Cooperative Corporation